Welcome to Ohel Moshe Synagogue

Tefila Times

Friday - Saturday

Davening times for Shabbat Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat - 10 minutes after candle lighting *From Shavuot until the end of summer - Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat is at 19:00 (7pm) Shabbat day Shacharit 08:30 Mincha - 10 minutes before candles Maariv - at conclusion of Shabbat



Weekly Torah Portion: פרשת בראשית
Tel aviv
Beer sheva

Ohel Moshe Synagogue

We would be delighted to host you in our Synagogue where there is room for all those who wish to join us

Jewish Calendar

Visit our Jewish calendar on the site, holiday events and more

Torah Lessons

Come and join our Torah lessons, We will be happy to welcome you.

News and Events

We would be delighted to host you with joy in our Synagogue

Build 1983

Gershon Kochavi

Talmud, Mikve and

Opening Words

The “Ohel Moshe” community is now the most natural thing in our neighborhood, but from its beginnings it seemed like a miracle and an almost surpising wonder. For years few religious people lived in Herzlia.. Some of them prayed on Saturdays at the existing Synagogues of the various hotels. And later there were those who formed the founding nucleus of our community at the Kimhi family’s HodfHotel.. This small group later moved to the Tadmor Hotel and nearly 40 years ago to its permanent synagogue on Ben-Eliezer Street. The establishment of our synagogue brought about a welcome revolution in the neighborhood. 

Events and Smahot in Ohel Moshe

We would be delighted to host you in our Synagogue.  We have halls which can be rented for various events

For further information please contact at :
[email protected]

Events and Smachot at Ohel Moshe Synagogue

We would be delighted to host you at our Synagogue.  We suitable rooms for various Smachot and events.